Is it possible to distribute pre-built binaries for FSharp from Nuget.org (Microsoft.ML.Probabilistic.FSharp.dll)?
One feature I really miss in Visual Studio Code right now is the [C# Interactive/REPL](https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Visual-Studio/Connect-event-2015/103). It was added to full Visual Studio in lat…
I'm trying to embed F# values, e.g. this example: http://tpetricek.github.io/FSharp.Formatting/evaluation.html
I get the error "Exception: Output, it-value and value references should be replaced by …
dsyme updated
9 years ago
**The version I use**: AngouriMath
**Unexpected behaviour or bug**:
When using `Entity expr = "pow(2,3)" ` it gives an UnhandledParseException:
` AngouriMath.Core.Exceptions.UnhandledParseExcep…
NK01 updated
10 months ago
See https://github.com/fsharp/FSharp.Data/issues/1340
When referencing a package containing type providers using `#r "nuget: ..."` from a script, the ResolutionFolder of the TypeProviderConfig is n…
dsyme updated
1 month ago
`fsc` support for compiling .fsx files could be improved by packaging all the runtime dependencies in the output folder, next to the compiled .exe.
**Describe the solution you'd like**
I'd like …
Switching to F# 6 I found a regression in F#+ tests, which needed a type annotation as a workaround.
Then while trying to minimize the repro, the error switched to another point where no type annotat…
gusty updated
1 month ago
@smoothdeveloper The [spec for dependency manager resolution](https://github.com/fsharp/fslang-design/blob/main/tooling/FST-1027-fsi-references.md) seems not to be implemented - it references things l…
### Describe the bug
With polyglot notebook installed in VS Code. Open an ipynb file with python code cells in it.
Select kernel ".NET Interactive"
Even the default language configuration is F#, …
I am trying to load a managed DLL that wraps an unmanaged `.so` or `.dylib` on Mac OS
If I create a `CLI` app using `dotnet` I can get it to work if I copy to DLL and the `.dylib` into the ou…
7Grok updated
4 years ago