# X-Frame-Options
> iframe & CORS
## bug
No implementation found for void com.taobao.gcanvas.GCanvasJNI.setContextType(java.lang.String, int) (tried Java_com_taobao_gcanvas_GCanvasJNI_setContextType and Java_com_taobao_…
Hello, can you add drawRegion from the old j2me platform?
Hi Gemma, we have updated the plugin for Moodle 4.3 in a separate branch.
Can you confirm it works…
**### Plugin ###**
**Currently installed plugins**
Plugin name | Version | Availability
-- | -- | --
Activity modules | |
Assignmentmod_assign | 2023042400 | Enabled
I have some async calculations in my app that implemented with 2 different UseEffect hooks. Here is simplified version, can't share full code but i think it will be enough for understanding. So the pr…
1) F/Users/ventura/Desktop/reactNative/folder/passages/ios/Pods/GCanvas'
duplicate symbol '_HandleInputBuffer' in:
duplicate symbol '_HandleInputBuffer' in:
Graag informeren wij jullie over de oplevering van de Moodle plug-in(s) en eventuele aanpassingen die jullie hebben aangevraagd. Zouden jullie de functionaliteit ervan kunnen controleren en nagaan of …
## 前言
3 月 25 日晚,面向 21 届学生,淘系前端团队举办直播活动,由淘系前端技术专家大果带来「淘系前端技术体系揭秘」和「校招问题答疑」,答疑环节更是邀请了淘系前端校招负责人、淘系高级技术专家元彦,直播回答问题,其中干货满满,冴羽辛苦的对答疑部分进行了文字整理,分享给大家,如果要观看这场直播,可以搜索「yayujs」,关注「冴羽的JavaScript博客」公众号,回复 "宝典" 获…