checking for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-qmake-qt5... no
checking for qmake-qt5... no
checking for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-qmake-qt6... no
checking for qmake-qt6... no
checking for Qt major version... ./…
It's possible to have USE flags in IUSE which are declared in metadata.xml (or global USE flags) which don't actually do anything (no references in dependencies, or in the ebuilds).
* To make this …
Since there is now letsencrypt cert center, would be great to use it.
I have working gentoo ebuild, but releases are not available at github,
thus i for now it may be used only for live ebuilds, fet…
There are some packages, which want to create assemblies for several frameworks.
Notable examples are NUnit and Antlr3.
dotnet.eclass have several variables which are related to gentoo (or mono?) fr…
While I'm doing this on Gentoo right now, I figured I'd pass by a tutorial.
Portage offers a clean way to include patches into ebuilds (which is essentially the same as PKGBUILDs in Arch). We want …
Hey, I've tried using the new ebuilds today and had this:
* ERROR: sys-kernel/cachyos-kernel-6.11.7::xarblu-overlay failed (prepare phase):
* MODULES_SIGN_KEY=/root/PK.key not found or not…
The ebuild already exists, and `sys-fs/ntfs2btrfs` hasn't been taken yet...
My overlay contains quite a few changes - none of which have been upstreamed.
Maybe get the libressl patched stuff to gentoo/libressl and keep the rest?
Hello! First of all, thank you for your awesome overlay and brilliant EFI-install guide! It made me to try Gentoo yet again and explained a lot of stuff that I did wrong last time. ^_^
Now to the s…
## Here are the steps I follow to reproduce the issue:
There is currently no easy install process for the Gentoo Linux distribution. It can be built on Gentoo manually by following a set of instruc…