I have a shapefile (GeoDataFrame in Python) that I want to convert to raster (e.g., xarray in Python) with a certain pixel grid with each pixel quantifying the % coverage of that shapefile …
When the "color" is categorical, it crashes and returns ValueError in version 0.2.6. The categorial "test" column contains NaN values. There are 11 possible categories.
This code was working…
This fails:
import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point
import copy
# Create a GeoDataFrame
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame({
'geometry': [Point(…
I am wondering whether we can develop a new Geo View node to accept 2-3 existing Geospatial view node settings and their GeoDataFrame data to make a multiple-layer visualization.
Though we can do tha…
I am contacting you about the “not self-contained” message when saving sdata to a new location.
Here is the example:
import spatialdata as sd
from spatialdata.datasets import blobs…
Is there any interest in an extension package to support plotting GeoDataFrames with GeoMakie?
Not being able to nicely plot GeoDataFrames directly with GeoMakie has been a small pain point of mine…
Currently, intersection() only supports Shapely features.
Hi @evetion:
I have run the example commands in the README file from a Jupyter notebook that accepts Julia.
When I run:
df = GDF.read("test_points.shp")
I obtain a similar table to the one in the …
I have a rough example in this [notebook](https://github.com/nasa/vitals). The end goal would be to have a simple function that would create a `geodataframe` and then an interactive plot, like:
**Description of the desired feature**
It would be great to have some **gallery examples** on how users can plot geopandas.GeoDataFrame objects in PyGMT. This will be a follow up to #1000. You will…