Just wonder if you guys were adding a gerber file option or pcb design app where i can transfer my circuit designs to a pcb layout.
Hello budy, how are you? can you supply gerber files from pcb?
## Current Behaviour
When a PCB is exported to **Gerber** file the silkscreen images size are not matching the ones in fritzing. The images in the gerber file are always the same size no matter the s…
When exporting (I use JLCPCB) the paste layers are not exported. Can you please add support for the paste layers.
layers = [
[ pcbnew.F_Cu, 'F_Cu' ],
[ pcbnew.B_Cu, 'B_Cu' …
when are the control board gerbers going to be uploaded?
Thank you kindly for sharing this great project.
However on uploading to PCBWay, they have rejected the project due to faults with the PCB design. Unfortunately as you only provide the Gerber's we …
Would it be possible to upload the gerbers/JLCPCB files for the diff_receiver boards? - I am particularly interested in the fixed screw terminal version.
I found this project really interesting, and thinking about build one picovideocart and porting it to a flash ram version, but could you share the kicad/gerber (and possibly stl too for shell) for not…
aotta updated
4 months ago
_From [irasc...@gmail.com](https://code.google.com/u/104729248032245122687/) on May 25, 2011 07:27:31_
We're currently converting paths by rasterizing, but we could distinguish between paths that con…
Hi, can you please push the .brd or gerbers so I can get some of these made?
Right now there are no PCB files in the repo.