When selecting an image to put inside of a behavior such as Navbar or Navbar Objective max has some weird visual glitches where the name of the image, or the image itself will have white streaks and f…
Other similar GitHub profile cards such as [github-readme-streak-stats](https://github.com/DenverCoder1/github-readme-streak-stats) and [github-readme-stats](https://github.com/anuraghazr…
Welcome 👋🏼
We'll use this issue for questions/feedback/etc for the RenderATL Workshop on 6/1
## Tryvia
## Cotoli
## Project Description
Get random questions asked in Trivia games and try to answer them. What will be your max streak?
* https://github.com/AndCotOli/Tryvia
## What 3…
I've restarted Chrome and none of the customizations seem to make any change in the display that GitHub had before. I know some things changed in the last 5 months for how GitHub displays contribution…
self.history is reset in `KalmanTracker().update()` func:
This removes history when a new measurement i…
## User story
As a participant of Race of Sloths (either maintainer or contributor) I want to receive different bot messages - either randomized or customized based on my achievements (e.g. streaks)
DeepStreaks has been a very successful system, and was a big leap forward back in 2019, however now I consider it largely obsolete and inadequate in terms of code/infrastructure quality, the DL models…
### Description
I have total 13 win streak and it is not calculating the last one and match has been played 14 hrs ago
Match ID : 7331633900
_No response_
### Screenshots
The issue with leetcode streak not refreshing or the problem count not showing might be related with the new update recently happened in the leetcode and after that update the extension's some feature…