Hi there,
I'm testing the GPG extension and it's a problem to have to change the encryption settings for each recipient (the remember option seems to remember encryption settings globally).
Seems worthwhile to support gpg-based RSA encryption of the password to be used for AES encryption of the message
j'ai un problème lorsque je veux connecté un hub docker: ~ $ sudo docker login -u hadirsd Password:
Erreur lors de l'enregistrement des informations d'identification: erreur lors de l'enregistremen…
~/ 622> keybase encrypt robinwilton /tmp/robin.txt
info: ...all remote checks are up-to-date
✔ public key fingerprint: 2FC0 276E 7A5A B5F7 7C69 5866 C759 0458 BC66 C93D
✔ "futureidentity" on twitter…
These days i encountered several long-running backup processes. My block volume ist about 300G. I found out that it is the gpg process, that takes so much time to finish. From my unterstanding, there …
Call `gpg` without `emacs`, `lukspinentry` failed.
$ echo foo > foo
$ LANG=C gpg -c foo
gpg: problem with the agent: Invalid IPC response
gpg: error creating passphrase: Operation cancelled…
znz updated
11 months ago
In Debian 10, by default in GnuPG, the CLI utility: gpg generates a key pair (RSA/DSA) and nothing more.
when saving password i see this in logs, then it results in #25
gpg: 0xEE8138A849922FE4!\n0x1A2FFAA521ABECD3!\n0xF7C76D9F5FC281A4!\n0xBB8AEFC757E79220!: skipped: Invalid user ID
gpg: [stdin]: …
From https://github.com/osresearch/heads/pull/1282:
> I had trouble after reflashing because it wasn't obvious how to reseal the disk encryption key in the TPM. For posterity: You have to navigate …
## Expected vs Current Behavior
`gpg` will use either of the signing or authenticating keys on a token that matches the fingerprint required for a given operation (e.g. gpg is perfectly happy sig…