Hi, you are in a group of individuals who have create or commented on issues in the Jaeger repository and we are doing a simple informal survey about Jaeger usage. If you could answer the following qu…
I created this repository as a discussion hub for the ML ecosystem in Rust, "following" a talk I gave at the Rust meetup in London ([slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dOqqosL…
## Issue
Describe your issue here
/Users/apple/Desktop/Rowgistic/Hpm_Native/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/gRPC-C++/gRPC-C++-dummy.m module map file '/Users/apple/Desktop/Rowg…
本 Issue 仅限作者维护,其他人不要回复。
如果你已经知道问题所在、怎么解决,请直接 [提交 Pull Request](https://github.com/Tencent/APIJSON/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#%E5%85%B6%E4%B8%AD%E7%89%B9%E5%88%AB%E8%87%B4%E8%B0%A2-) 为社区做贡献,非常感谢。
I am updating the React Native project react-native@0.63 to 0.73.6.
I updated a few modules. It was good.
I am updating the @react-native-firebase/firestore module from 5.x to 19.2 (latest version…
# Gopher China 2017 参会小结
Gopher China 今年是第三届了,这次在上海小南园花园酒店举行。下面是这两天的一些记录,主要是对我平时工作中涉及的如服务治理、微服务、高可用和分布式等话题有较为细致的关注,同时对于其中关联的 Golang 语言知识点进行较详细的记录。
PS:隔壁群组的同事使用了 Golang 开发行情云 V3 也在这次大会上进行分享了,涉及到不…
When maestro is run on an unsupported iOS version, a grpc error is thrown.
`kotlin.Unit io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE:`
Stack trace:
Dear Team Members:
Greetings! Our team is very interested in your project. we performed source code perspective security analysis (SCA) and vulnerability library association analysis on this project…
### What is your question?
Hello Dear Conan community,
Glad to see you around.
I am trying to integrate grpc as a dependency in my project but grpc seems to not find the protoc compiler.
### Description
I am updating the React Native project **react-native@0.63** to 0.73.6.
I updated a few modules. It was good.
I am updating the _@react-native-firebase/firestore_ module from _5.x…