I was looking for a hashmap implementation and realised YSI probably has one, I can't really figure out the API though.
Basically, I just want to update my logging library so logging handlers can i…
We need quick implementation. Also pleas add links to articles about performance problems or comparison tests. We may prepare js prototype based on Typed Arrays, then prepare speed/performance tests. …
Since .mtl files are shared among .obj files, one could put all the materials in one `HashMap`.
HashMap数据结构JDK1.8以前HashMap的实现是 数组+链表JDK1.8开始HashMap的实现是 数组+链表/红黑树,如下图: HashMap类中有两个常量:12345678910111213141516/** * The bin count threshold for using a tr…
In trying to make a hashmap of hashmaps using khash.d, I run into the issue of a segfault when using the ```require``` function.
Segfault happens here as a double free (I think):
Have you tried to use a btreemap, instead of the hashmap?
It might be faster, for various reasons.
If not, i think https://crates.io/crates/rustc-hash is faster than `Ahash`.
### Describe your idea
Now we use a simple two-level hasmap which may have some disadvantages:
1. Key is hashed twice.
2. Hash function is not specially optimized in RaftKeeper.
wasip2 currently still uses (all?) wasip1 implementations internally. The generation of `hashmap_random_keys` for wasip1 is implemented here:
This test program will test the functionality of a hasmap. In a nutshell, the hashmap is a structure to hold data that allows very fast lookups. Compared to a started list where the program has to tes…