There's a way to expose the creditcard flag ? like `Visa`, `Master` ...
-Tagging feature renders the form like a
-With maximumselectionsize you can limit tags to 1
-So I think that a great feature could be render the form like a single select when you combine tagging fea…
In Brazil we have Hipercard, that has 19 digits. Is there a way to create a custom validation rule / group for it? Maybe an static property on `$.payment.addCard`
# en_US
Hello, Good Morning
I'm interested in adding the flags
Elo - http://www.cartaoelo.com.br/
Aura - http://www.cetelem.com.br/portal/Para_Voce/Cartao_Cetelem.shtml
Hiper - https://www.u…
- [ ] [sodexo](https://sodexosaldocartao.com.br)
- [ ] [alelo](http://www.alelo.com.br/)
Quero adicionar todos de uma só vez.
Retirar estas traduções "inválidas":
- [x] Ticket Restaurante
- [x] Tic…
@Irio some credit card attributes (:owner_name, :owner_cpf and :card_number) doesn't have any validation. There are some reason for it? Can I add a validation for the presence of these attributes?
Actually the `logo` parameter needs to be a `Symbol`. So it is required to convert the desired parameter from `String` to `Symbol` and also it needs to be downcase.
Doing something like:
logo = …