I know you tried, picoCTF, CTFd, and RootTheBox, but did you tried another ruby CTF framework named *MITRE CTF Scoreboard*? https://github.com/mitre-cyber-academy/ctf-scoreboard
It is great and the…
noraj updated
5 years ago
Vignettes diabète et HTA :
[Dx Diabète type 1 (Hypertension artérielle) et TTT.xlsx](https://github.com/SwissTPH/cdss_tchad/files/10851161/Dx.Diabete.type.1.Hypertension.arterielle.et.TTT.xlsx)
A …
It is not possible to easily attach a TiddlyWiki to an Email and Send it as HTML if you email client allows it often the recipients mail system will not allow it. Even zipping the file (addi…
PEE 162673000
MHAIPPT 268565007
Flu vac 73701000119109
Hepatitis vac 789035002
Pneumococcal vac 170337005
URTI 54398005
UTI 431309003
GE 12574004
HTN 59621000
HLD 55822004
DM 44054006
Is it possible to present some UI to the user from the plugin?
For instance, the plugin can be an HTML page, whereas scripts in that page can access functions provided by BowPad.
When that plugin …
I found some errors after migrating database.
`General error: 1 Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL (SQL: alter table "bookings" add column "created_at" date not null)`
ghost updated
8 years ago
python nps_payload.py
( (
) ( )\ ) )\ )
( ` ) ( ` ) ( /( )\ )((_)( ( /( (()/(
)\ ) /(…
**Keyboard navigation not Working**
A mouse click is required to reach a text form input on barebones HTML docs. This makes the app inaccessible to some and frustrating to keyboard warrior power user…
rndme updated
2 months ago
On m'indique à juste titre que l'opendata des distributeurs d'électricité a été mise à jour et cela intéresse le rendu Volta.
Est-ce possible de faire la mise à jour s'il vous plaît ?
### 🚀 Motivation and context
Is it possible to correlate kernel distribution with ranges annotated either through `torch.cuda.nvtx` or `torch.profiler.profile`?
The use case is model architectur…