The current setup locks the site to mkdocs-material version 9.5.44, implemented to prevent layout issues during automatic deployments after each commit to the master branch. While th…
**Project title**
(Write project title over here)
**Project Description**
(Describe the project over here)
[ ] Html
[ ] CSS
[ ] JavaScript
My Code Editor Project
I've created a web-based code editor that allows real-time writing and previewing of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Key features:
Split-panel interface with separate editors fo…
LCM-HCF Calculator using HTML, CSS ( Animations) , JavaScript
# JavaScript
## User Story
As a boot camp student
I want the prework notes to be structured on a webpage
So that I can easily find and read the information
## Acceptance Critera
GIVEN a Prew…
please add under **hacktoberfest2024!**
A popular educational platform known for its tutorials and references on web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. This clone repl…
hey , I'm on the middle of the Tutorial on that link and yah i having a problem which is when i click on navbar its does not work ... i dont know where the missing .....
this is the html
Improve the Timeline HTML with JavaScript to make the table sortable (and/or filterable) and add some CSS
Zomis updated
6 years ago
Create a folder with the names below
Built it using HTML, CSS/Tailwind CSS, Javascript
Join https://discord.gg/C3PAvsmrKV for fast-updated
Optional: Make it Responsive
Select the design fi…