- [x] The issue is about this extension and NOT about a fork.
- [x] Check the [known issues](https://github.com/matepek/vscode-catch2-test-adapter/blob/master/documents/support.md#kn…
Here are some more details:
The code where the error occurs is:
Silent sign-in:
const { TestUsers, TestUtility } = require('@itwin/oidc-signin-tool')
// Silent sign-in to Bentley…
Can someone please explain what i am doing wrong? I am trying to insert a geometryPart into a newly created/downloaded iModel from the iModelHub. I cannot reproduce this error locally when using a S…
#### Describe the bug (actual behavior)
If you use ThemeProvider with them set to "os" or useTheme("os"), it correctly detects the color theme at the time of component creation. However, it does …
npm ERR! npm install --no-save @bentley/imodeljs-win32-x64@2.18.5
npm ERR! C:\Shared\_Projects\pw-iModel-exporter-ddm\node_modules\@bentley\imodeljs-native\installNativePlatform.js:87
npm ERR! t…
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* TAG: imodeljs-docs-question
I'm looking to know when a model from an external source (Projectwise) was last consumed in an iModel. Would the command "select * FROM Bis.ExternalSourceAspect si JOIN bis.Model e ON si.Scope.Id = e.…
Hi, @imodeljs-admin, a vulnerability CVE-2018-1109 is introduced in @bentley/build-tools via:
● @bentley/build-tools@2.19.1 ➔ cpx@1.5.0 ➔ chokidar@1.7.0 ➔ anymatch@1.3.2 ➔ micromatch@2.3.11 ➔ braces…
I found an ugly race condition in the getUrl because it caches the returned result before the excludeApiVersion is considered.
I made two asynchronous requests for getUrl it first returned the URL wi…
Considering the model, you can interact with its elements (that is, click on the element) and get more detailed information on the side information window. I wanted to find out where the code …