Boilerplate example: https://github.com/lougreenwood/ember-cli-mirage-boilerplate
When an ember-data model is named as plural, for example `settings`, calling `server.create('settings')` or `server…
The `foreman-rake hooks:objects` gives `foreman/model/ec2` object.
However listing of
`foreman-rake hooks:events[foreman/model/ec2]`
fails with error:
rake aborted!
LoadError: Unable to…
How to reproduce:
1) For example add following line at the end of your `AppController::initialize()`
2) Bake any controller (confirm that you …
Would be nice if we could use the inflector within Twig.
O inflector do plugin interfere nos testes do Core do CakePHP.
Such as:
# config/locales/en.yml
one: You have 1 notification
other: You have %{count} notifications
Preen updated
2 months ago
Would be interesting to have the capability to transform plurals to singular:
System.out.println(English.singular("words")); // == "word"
System.out.println(English.singular("words", 1)); // == …
I have a Lumen REST API and I'm trying to install using `composer require mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator`.
But I get the following error.
` Problem 1
- Conclusion: don't install mpociot/la…
### Description
I can execute subcommands like `cake my_plugin.my_command mysubcommand`, but I cannot execute them with the plugin name in camel case, like `cake MyPlugin.my_command mysubcommand`. …
And thus would need to configure `html => HTML`