Thank you for this initiatives. Going through this training is building a new instructor in me. My teaching tips are already changing. However, I also observed that we don't get reminders after indica…
Please convert the 10 "Training Zone A-29 Hot" slots which are currently setup as 3 groups (x4 x4 x2) into 5 groups of 2 airframes each called "Training Zone A-29 Hot Student" and "Training Zone A-29 …
Instructors want to be able to confirm that students read the training modules and completed the on-wiki exercises, rather than just clicking through to the end and registering with the dashboard as h…
The [Instructor Training application](https://amy.carpentries.org/forms/request_training/) includes a question for mandatory consent to the data privacy policy. However, if an admin then tries to edi…
Please contribute and help checking all pages. A checkmark indicated the page has been checked, not that it is updated. Update needs are collected in new issues. If you are unsure about something, let…
When I use my dataset,it happens
could you help me?
training arguments:
>>> if_test: False
>>> run_model: seqgan
>>> k_label: 2
>>> dataset: obama
>>> model_type: vanilla
>>> loss_type: rsga…
One section that I think could benefit from having an illustration to support it is the discussion of roles team members can take during a pilot workshop:
- instructor
- timekeeper
- notetaker(s)…
**Session Name**
FUNKTASTIC! FUNKtion intro night
Freshies will be exposed to various aspects of FUNKtion, such as the locking and popping dance styles, freestyle, and the club cultu…
3) Each training module is made up of training sessions. The system must store the following data about them: a code (pattern “TS-[A-Z]{1,3}-[0-9]{3}”, not blank, unique), a time period (at least one …
> By the 7th hour of the first day of training, I was no longer able to concentrate on the material or interact with others (as fatigue exacerbates autistic symptoms, and for me executive dysfunction …