git checkout rtklib_2.4.3
LANG=C ./makeall.sh
% pos2kml/gcc
cc -c -Wall -O3 -ansi -pedantic -I../../../src -DTRACE ../pos2kml.c
cc -c -Wall -O3 -ansi -pedantic -I../../../src -DTRACE ../../.…
ghost updated
8 years ago
Hello, i am new in RTKLIB. I work under LinuxMint 17.2.
I have a problem with rtkrcv.
I use the ubx file take from here:
In rtknavi (use under wine) it work…
I am executing the program in ubuntu 15.04 OS and the "pos1-snrmask" option in configuration file is given an integer value denoting the dBHz. But, this gives the warning of 'invalid option value' whe…
Due to the lack of separated librt we cannot compile under MacOS X , in fact all the required rt call are built in in standard libraries. So it just need to remove the -lrt
this is a sample diff
Dear all,
I'm trying to compile rtklib CUIs (rtklib_2.4.2.zip) on my raspberry PI.
Currently I've the following working moudules (so the compile procedure went Ok for them):
Symptom: **cannot find -llapack -lblas**
System: Rapberry Pi debian wheezy, compile on target
cc -c -Wall -O3 -ansi -pedantic -I../../../src -DLAPACK -DTRACE -DENAGLO -DENAQZS -DENAGAL -DNFREQ=3…