Some hackerspaces have their own show.
Here's an example of how to play the stream on a website:
This text will be replaced
When I embed a video with jwplayer V5.0 on video.google.com and
sitename/OpenAdStreamer.swf in the config the plugin
doesn't load in fully and jwplayer just sits there loading.
on other websites …
**Error report:** [link](http://go/ampe/CKaZ9K_e0cvBiQE)
**First seen:** Sep 29, 2021
**Frequency:** ~ 1,007/day
Error: fullscreen error
at call (core/dom/fullscreen.js…
We are doing a example of jwplayer+adtech+xml, when we use the free version
4.5, everything is go fine, you can see it in this
jwplayer.com seems to have changed their downloading policy and URLs, and
``` ruby
url "https://account.jwplayer.com/static/download/jwplayer-#{node['jwplayer']['version']}.zip"
does not work an…
When I embed a video with jwplayer V5.0 on video.google.com and
sitename/OpenAdStreamer.swf in the config the plugin
doesn't load in fully and jwplayer just sits there loading.
on other websites …
When I embed a video with jwplayer V5.0 on video.google.com and
sitename/OpenAdStreamer.swf in the config the plugin
doesn't load in fully and jwplayer just sits there loading.
on other websites …
When I embed a video with jwplayer V5.0 on video.google.com and
sitename/OpenAdStreamer.swf in the config the plugin
doesn't load in fully and jwplayer just sits there loading.
on other websites …
We are doing a example of jwplayer+adtech+xml, when we use the free version
4.5, everything is go fine, you can see it in this
We are doing a example of jwplayer+adtech+xml, when we use the free version
4.5, everything is go fine, you can see it in this