To make the plugin eg. usable with Kirby Janitor plugin or with any other plugin both `KirbyGitHelper::push()` and `KirbyGitHelper::pull()` should return `true/false` if they succeed or fail.
See …
I think everything is working correctly with the plugin, I have done a test fetch which worked. However, when the authentication triggered in Kirby's panel was completed I got the following error…
In `composer.json`, this plugin is marked as compatible with PHP >= `7.4.0`. After installing the latest version, composer complains though that it requires PHP 8.0.2:
> Fatal error: Uncaught Whoops\Exception\ErrorException: include(D:\xampp\htdocs\test\kirby\4713\site\plugins\kirby3-cloudconvert-1.1.9\vendor\composer/../../tests/kirby/src/Cms/Event.php): Failed…
Hi, @bnomei, I am using your great plugin in my [theme](https://www.thezero.club/demo/one/), and on 99,9% of server environments, it works great out of the box.
But few users reported that it does…
The current date formatter only works with the `date` and the deprecated `strftime` date handlers, but not the newer `intl` option. https://getkirby.com/docs/reference/system/options/date
I am helping a friend with their Kirby website and I’d like to enable them (non-tech person) to get the content backed up on git. I think this plugin is perfect for that (I was doing commits o…
Hey there,
I just installed your plugin and I'm pleased so far - but one thing I wanted to give feedback about: In the project's README, you state that "permissions" are to be included in the future …
Is there a way to produce the static blog-pages for tags and the following pages with articles on it?
Now i have only the first page of my blog. All tags leads to /news/tag:tag-name and the pages l…
Is it expected that my custom janitor job button doesn't work from `site.yml` blueprint without adding a `data` (which I don't need) property to it?
This is my `site.yml`: