When aggregating images with the *GroupBy* node, it would be useful to also have a "Sum Image" option in addition to Min/Mean/Max Image.
How about adding `org.knime.knip.base.data.aggregation.ImgSu…
When Silicos-IT and KNIME Image Processing - Python Extensions feature are installed the following warning is displayed during KNIME startup
WARN Qed Calculator 1:30 Could not find templates fol…
Users should be able to select the type of the KNIME cell which is mapped from an output.
Automatically generated nodes should allow streaming, if they work on a `Row-to-Rows` basis. `Rows-to-rows` can't be streamed.
46: Ge zou een lemma moeten kunnen opslaan als concept. Soms vereist een lemma nogal veel opzoek-, schrijf- of knip-en-plakwerk en is het nog niet af, en dan is het gemakkelijk als het gewoon voor u g…
### Prerequisites
- [X] I'm using the latest version
- [X] I've read the relevant [documentation](https://knip.dev)
- [X] I've searched for [existing issues](https://github.com/webpro-nl/knip/issues?…
I tried to init a workspace using the standard rosdistro:
$ ros-get ws-create https://github.com/ros/rosdistro /opt/ros/melodic/
There is a ton of dead code laying around because of the migration that needs to be removed.
This will also include dropping a bunch of dependencies which is also good.
- [x] API
- [ ] Web