homestead-Lara is dependent on a few outside factors, Thereby the setup could fail starting some point in time.
**Current status:**
* 2016-08-01: All fine
* 2016-12-08: All fine
* 2017-02-08: …
¿Qué pasos producen el problema?
1.Seguir los pasos del video proporcionado apra la instalacion de evidentia en ubuntu
2.Ejecutar el comando "docker exec laradock_workspace_1 composer install"
¿Cuál …
**Avoid Downtime**
I've been using Laradock for a long time and maybe restart containers with a single command is not a huge deal, but sometimes on weekends, containers just stops. This is a proble…
=> [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile …
on running docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
Can't find a suitable configuration file in this directory or any
parent. Are you in the right directory?
Supported fi…
I don't want to add anything to the official docs (at least not yet), but I do want to document here (in case I need it for reference) how to get everything working under WSL / Ubuntu on Windows 10 Pr…
It would be nice to have Laravel Octane (Swoole / RoadRunner) in Laradock
For the moment peoples seem to clone the repository and modify it for their needs. To update, they have to slash their modifications, pull the upstream and merge the stash. It's not that complicated b…
I don't see tutorial or group chat in community like in discord and etc. where users can ask questions and helps..
My problem is I don't see tutorial on how to add php 8.3 in current laradock that …