Looks like something has changed somewhere? RefreshToken is crashing out with an error because it's trying to call `forUnsecuredSigner()` which no longer appears to exist in the JWT package being used…
I have an error when I am installing project like that
It would be great if this supported Laravel 6
认真看过 Laravel Passport 文档 的人应该知道,它的 Personal Access Token 是不支持自定义过期时间的,tokensExpireIn 对此类 token 无效…
Descrição Geral do Problema
## Problema Encontrado
Sou iniciante em Laravel e estou criando um sistema que necessita de autenticação da API. Estou usando Passport por ser a solução mais simples qu…
When you try to add the scope of 'openid' scope as shown on the following link (https://heimdall.ezralazuardy.com/documentation/oidc). It throws a message (error) while using token API. (ht…
undefined mark in \Laravel\Passport\Http\Controllers\AuthorizationController@authorize: @param
I wonder Why the access_token from a data object is being intercepted EVEN IF you are not using the vue authenticate url such as login, logout, register, providers method for authenticating a user....…
Set up an authentication method for the API that will work for a frontend/spa.
Sanctum is an option that would let users create API tokens
And also allow auth for an SPA
Passport is a more comp…
Can we use it with Laravel 5.3 API Authentication (Passport) ?