Proposal written by Monkeyyy11
**Is it a proposal for the website or for the bot?**: website
**What is the title of your proposal?:** Show used inventoryslots on the profile page
Proposal written by Monkeyyy11
**Is it a proposal for the website or for the bot?**: website
**What is the title of your proposal?:** UserID is shown when you scroll over the name of …
Proposal written by Denarioyt
**Is it a proposal for the website or for the bot?**: bot
**What is the title of your proposal?:** Job addon
**Explain your proposal more accurately (It…
**What is the title of your bugreport?**
Dashboard | Administration (Logs)
**Is it a bugreport for the website or for the bot?**
- [ ] Bot
- [x] Website
**How can you reproduce the bug? (Expl…
Proposal written by Profxy#5396
**What is the title of your proposal?:** Dashboard-Translations
**Is it a suggestion for the website or for the bot?:** Website - Dashboard
📢 Suggestion proposed by DanNick (158672265083355147)
**What is the title of your suggestion?**
Twitter Bot posting tweets
**Explain your suggestion more accurately (It's best to give as much infor…
Proposal written by CrEePeR28 ~~ Furkan
**What is the title of your proposal?:** Settings dir Permissions
**Is it a suggestion for the website or for the bot?:** Website and bot
Proposal written by Wandi
**What is the title of your proposal?:** Job
**Is it a suggestion for the website or for the bot?:** Bot
**Explain your proposal more accurately (It's best…
Proposal written by Worthless
**Is it a proposal for the website or for the bot?**: bot
**What is the title of your proposal?:** More events on logs.
**Explain your proposal more acc…
Proposal written by Profxy
**Is it a proposal for the website or for the bot?**: bot
**What is the title of your proposal?:** log - username
**Explain your proposal more accurately (…