Can I put the sender on Win64 and the receiver on the Mac?
When I compile the UE part on Mac m1, the following error occurs:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"UClass* FMayaLiveLinkU…
Please, update for UE5.1
## Tops
### Variatie 1
De visuele hiërarchie is heer heel duidelijk door de grote en dikgedrukte titel.
### Variatie 3
Hier hetzelfde als variatie 1.
## Tips
### Variatie 2
试过用 nvidia audio2face,用wav生成,对应的bs数据集,然后转为对应训练数据,发现效果很差。
话则有提供 arkit采集的方案,生成训练数据?
因为看原训练数据的权重和arkit有出入。demo数据有 正负
Hi Kevin,
I tired to use this plugin with UR5.1 but to no avail:( I was wondering if it 'should' work or will you be releasing an update for 5.1 at some point?
class VideoPlayer extends StatefulWidget {
_VideoPlayerState createState() => _VideoPlayerState();
class _VideoPlayerState extends State
with WidgetsBindingObserver, Route…
### Preliminary Checks
- [X] This issue is not a duplicate. Before opening a new issue, please search existing issues.
- [X] This issue is not a question, feature request, or anything other than a bu…
### Summary:
This RFC proposes a live-linking system between Open3D and Blender, utilizing a central server for communication. Utilizing such a system improves the artist's quality of life and speeds…
**Affected Versions:** All versions
**Steps to reproduce:**
1.) Download SteamVRInputPlugin_UEIntegrated example project
2.) Right click the project file and select "Launch game" in windows file …
Here is the list of issues approved by WG5 to go into 202X:
* UK01 - Extend procedure C_F_POINTER to allow a Fortran array pointer to have lower bounds other than 1.
* US01 - Allow much longer sta…