### Description
At [this repository](https://gitlab.kuleuven.be/positive-energy-districts/moped) we configure district models using component models from Buildings and IDEASv3.0.0 for a project we ar…
I am trying to solve a sparse linear system with Vectorz, but it seems to lack some basic algorithms to do it efficiently.
I want to solve Ku=F, where K is a sparse matrix and F a dense vector.
The c…
### Summary of Problem
Solve procedure in the Linear algebra module fails as it relies on LU factoring of the argument matrix A. Because the custom LU factoring fails in some cases, the `solve` proce…
## *Repository Creation Request*
Use this to get your experiment repository created or updated on GitHub under Virtual Labs organization.
1. #### Coordinating Institute: IIT Bombay
2. #### Appr…
It seems that many libraries that are candidates to implement the Array API namespace already implement the LU factorization (with variations in API and with the notable exception of numpy).
The following matrix det calculation failed:
`from sympy import Matrix, Symbol, symbols, exp, diff, sqrt, Rational, Idx
C00, C01, C02, C10, C11, C12, C20, C21, C22 = symbols('C00, C01, C02, C10, C11…
When I tried to use SinghalSampler to calculate eigenvalue errors for MSMs, I got values that were not correct (they didn't match Dan Ensign's ssaCalculator results).
I _think_ I know why. I have si…
I only see a way to estimate ||A||_1 in the README, but I can do that by maxing over L1 row sums in O(n^2) ops. The hard part appears to be estimation of ||A^-1||_1; how do I use your package to get |…
Is it possible to add java 9 module support to ejml.
For the moment, if I create a module:
module EjmlTest {
requires ejml.core;
requires ejml.cdense;
requires ejml.ddense;