Here is a draft codelist indicating a diagnosis of cancer, including lung and haematological cancer, for the surg-covid-safely project:
Where can I find the race labels for chexpert dataset?
I got approval from Stanford University to download the dataset, but I am unable to locate race information.
Could you please help me find…
This is an open issue soliciting possible feature requests for ANTs. I'll put together a corresponding wiki page where we can flush out some ideas further. Here are some current requests from @stnav…
Hi @thewtex @blezek @bradking @cpatrick @arnaudgelas @dzenanz @N-Dekker
In the example, [ITK_Example09_PointSetAndMaskTransformation.ipynb](https://github.com/InsightSoftwareConsortium/ITKElastix/…
Hi, I tried to download the dataset of PROMISE12 but seems the register web is closed.
Could you advise where I can download the dataset?
Or any other dataset can be used to try VNet?
Reference: https://discourse.slicer.org/t/update-slicers-icon-set/12483/11
List of png files found in Slicer code base on July 21, 2020:
Generated using
cd Slicer
for icon in $(find…
Hello all,
I would like to use a combination of two image-based metrics and a regularization term for the elastic registration of CT lung images. This is defined in the elastix parameter file as fo…
Dear ANTs developers and experts,
I'm currently working on enhanced abdominal CT image registration and have found that the default parameters do not yield optimal registration results. Although th…
Code and error message are shown below. Other ROI name is fine so far. Any help? Thanks.
dicom_dir = f"./dicom/Renamed/Pediatric-CT-SEG-028C9198/"
rt_file = f"{dicom_dir}/Mask/1-1.dcm"