I've set up a camera with your code in frigate yesterday and it was working very good. Today the stream stopped working and I couldn't get it back on.
Here is the log output from Frigate:
AVI video is recorded without sound and video recorded using video recording demo script have no index and can't be played
I tried to assign MIC0 pins to I2S device 0 channel 0 but this did n…
my co-worker told me that wasmtime project wanted to hear use-cases/demands/requirements for embedded scenarios.
here is FYI about our requirements.
#### Feature
support embedded environment
yamt updated
6 months ago
# 引言 — rCore-Tutorial-Book-v3 0.1 文档
# 实验环境配置 — rCore-Tutorial-Book-v3 0.1 文档
When send big size data like 3K may lose data (with baudrate 921600…
[package-index](https://github.com/ruyisdk/packages-index) 中 [armbian-pine64-star64](https://github.com/ruyisdk/packages-index/blob/main/manifests/board-image/armbian-pine64-star64/24.8.0-trunk.6.toml…
## Ruyi version
+ [0.12.0-beta.20240607](https://github.com/ruyisdk/ruyi/releases/tag/0.12.0-beta.20240607)
Same as https://github.com/ruyisdk/packages-index/issues/2
## Logs
$ r…
I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 and I try to install MaixPy3 for using Maix-ii-dock
according to the installation manual in readme file after running this command I have an error:
`python3 -m…