In the file DE.jl, there is a reference to F_max on line 96 which is not defined in the scope of `update_state!` and throws an error when `DE` is constructed with an `F_max` value. Here is the typo:
Hello, thank you for this package!
## test results.
some what long session log, can skip to the bottom.
PS C:\proj\PS1908\julia\ESG_24T2\EconomicScenarioGenerators.jl\test> julia
Our models are based on surrogate
models to approximate the computationally expensive objective functions. Hence, derivative information, which is generally unavailable for black-box simulation ob-
Hi, thanks for the package with multiple metaheuristics which can be implemented with ease.
I had a doubt whether we can define our own Vehicle routing problems with constraints like time windows an…
Using Julia 1.9.2, I get the following error when I try to use FUSE on worker nodes:
Input code:
using FUSE
using JLD2
using Plots;
FUSE.logging(Logging.Info; actors = Logging.Error);
I have been seeing `srun error: Out Of Memory` on FUSE optimization runs that last longer than ~60 iterations. I don't understand why a worker node would be running out of memory, but we need to ident…
- [ ] Implement batch interface for sa_extreme & r2_r_basic ?
## Some of the issues to be resolved:
JMcDM no longer compiles on my machine and Im getting the following error. I'm assuming it has something to do with the docstrings recently added .
### Description
Aranha, C., Camacho Villalón, C.L., Campelo, F., Dorigo, M., Ruiz, R., Sevaux, M., Sörensen, K. and Stützle, T., 2022. [Metaphor-based metaheuristics, a call for action: The elephant …
1. versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.11.0-beta2
Commit edb3c92d6a6 (2024-05-29 09:37 UTC)
Build Info:
Official https://julialang.org/ release
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)