Create an action during the planning procedures.
An example:
We need a plan for castling.
Step one:
We want to move Whitebishop2. Then we must first move WhitePawn5.
Create an ActionSchema
First of all thank you for your work, this is great stuff.
I'd like to compare the performance of 2 agents in a series of 1 v 1 games. For example mc vs fl, I'd expect this would do it:
I first think this code is searching in the simulation…
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You currently have the following code in the `Backpropagation` method:
if(node->our_turn && score > 0) {
} else if(!node->our_turn && score < 0) {
Add MCTS-variants that allow Max-backups as well as the current vanilla Monte Carlo backups. Plus interpolation possibilities between these - see:
Coulom, Rémi. 2006. ‘Efficient Selectivity and Bac…
Currently Qalculate! suffers from very specialized expression simplifications. It's impossible to do more sophisticated transformations. Implementing such generic transformation framework would have g…
# 第十三课
> 字典树和并查集
## 字典树 Trie
在计算机科学中,Trie 又称前缀树或字典树,是一种有序树,用于保存关联数组,其中的键通常是字符串。与二叉查找树不同,键不是直接保存在节点中,而是由节点在树中的位置决定。一个节点的所有子孙都有相同的前缀,也就是这个节点对应的字符串,而根节点对应空字符串。一般情况下,不是所有的节点都有对应的值,只有叶子节点和部分内部节点所对应…
### Self Checks
- [X] This is only for bug report, if you would like to ask a question, please head to [Discussions](https://github.com/langgenius/dify/discussions/categories/general).
- [X] I have s…
### Steps to reproduce the issue
$ spack spec -I cp2k+cosma+libvori+mpi_f08+pexsi+plumed+pytorch+quip+sirius+spglib+ipo+elpa+dlaf+openmp build_system=cmake lmax=7 ^cosma+shared ^cmake/v…