## error msg
* `cd nothing`
* `|||`
## ~echo~ -> 完了
* ~`echo -`~
## cd
* `cd ~`
* `cd //`
- [x] $? only works as a lone argument to echo but isn't actually interpreted as a variable, e. g. `echo "last result: $?"` does not actually work, it just prints `last result: $?` without any change.…
bash-3.2$ echo
bash-3.2$ echo hello
## Example
minishell$ export A="a b c"
minishell$ echo $A
minishell$ export A="a a" # OK
minishell$ export A="a 1" # NG
minishell: export: `1': not a valid identifie…
> ## leakはなさそうだけどsegvしちゃってるよおおおおおおおお。
- [x] ```$> "$A"``` でsegv
- [ ] ```$> "" ``` でexecve: Permission deniedになってる。
- [x] ```$> unset PATH``` の後コマンド実行でsegv
## echo
### Examples
``` bash
ruby -e "puts 'ls' + ' | cat' * 2000" | pbcopy
``` bash
minishell$ ls | cat | ...| cat # no newline at the end
minishell: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
Quando damos unset no OLDPWD ele soh esta dando unset na hora mas se mudar de pasta ele volta a aparecer..
minishell$ ''
minishell: /Users/yliu/.pyenv/shims/: Is a directory
minishell$ ""
minishell: /Users/yliu/.pyenv/shims/: Is a directory