Describe the bug
I get an error when I try to install composer dependencies from a Satis Repo. Both are hosted on my local machine. When I run composer install, it throws an error:
Some tests require to check if elements are enabled / disabled. TypifiedElement or WebElement should have a function to check this status.
Something like `isDisabled` or `isEnabled`.
Drivers have very basic instructions on how to get use them, but no instructions how to contribute into them. Need to add section on CONTRIBUTING.md with details about:
- how to install (e.g. download…
The `dmore/behat-chrome-extension` repo looks to have been made private and requires a gitlab login. It looks like this repo has actually moved to `behat-chrome/behat-chrome-extension`. (v1.3.0 is the…
Add in [doc](https://github.com/Behat/MinkExtension/blob/master/doc/index.rst) example of how to get [ChromeDriver]( http://mink.behat.org/en/latest/drivers/chrome.html) to work on behat.yml with Mink…
The `TraversableElement::fillField()`( which uses `Driver::setValue()` eventually) function should also work for **_select**_ type fields according to the PHPDocs. However it doesn't but using `Traver…
Finding elements with find('named', ['content', 'some string']) looks even in tags, and returns those elements if it does find an equivalent String literal anywhere in there. I don't think this shoul…
$ composer global require phpunit/phpunit
$ composer global require phpunit/dbunit
$ composer global require phing/phing
$ composer global require phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor
$ composer global require…
When I trying to use `open()` function then I see error message:
` "getDriver" method is not available on the LoginPage (BadMethodCallException)`
I noticed that it's true, Page class doesn't hav…
It would be very handy to be able to switch windows like the Selenium 2 driver can. If I get a chance I will work on this, but if someone else can do it that would rock.