Hello, we have this error:
_**imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile**_
on PHP 8.2.1 and DomPdf 2.0.3
_Originally posted by @swbittib in ht…
[WARNING] We've detected that your software may be threading or using other multiprocessing
techniques during template creation. The number of threads detected was ... and it should be 2.
Per …
PS D:\ChatGLM-MNN\build> cmake --build . -- /m:8
MSBuild version 17.5.1+f6fdcf537 for .NET Framework
cl : 命令行 warning D9002: 忽略未知??“-std=c++11” [D:\ChatGLM-MNN\build\chat.vcxproj]
## 어떤 내용의 논문인가요? 👋
클라우드 기반 머신 러닝(ML) 패러다임의 병목 현상을 해소하기 위한 디바이스-클라우드 협업 ML을 지원하는 범용 시스템, Walle에 관한 연구
## Abstract (요약) 🕵🏻♂️
To break the bottlenecks of mainstream cloud-based machine learning…
加密与破解是攻防的较量,端侧加密很难做到绝对安全。 可以通过构造独有的模型格式来增加反向的难度,按照以下步骤操作可以得到独特的模型格式:
Hello everyone,
I converted Pytorch to Onnx model and inferenced successfully. I also converted Onnx to MNN successfully too, but when I ran inference on MNN, it was not correct. It only had half abo…
您的项目非常有趣,我想问能使用[mgeconvert](https://github.com/MegEngine/mgeconvert) 能将该模型转换成onnx嘛,或着有其他方法嘛!
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Does this project provide any weight checkpoint or code that can be leveraged to accelerate inference (typically, on cpu server) bas…
hi, i want to inference with ur trained superpoint parameters
here is my use of your cli_tool,
set -e
# folders param
TAG=testResult_coco_1_sppoint4 #example
MNN seems like a great framework.
C++ modern way to consume 3rd party packages is by package managers.
Please add support for conan (Add a conanfile.py to the repo and upload the recipe to conan…