I made a proof of concept Arduino sketch to enable wake-on-motion for the MPU6886 inside the M5StickC. I'd like to fork the repo, add support for wake-on-motion (to GPIO Pin 35), and then submit a pul…
I'm following the instructions to use VS Code with M5.
I've erased and burnt the firmware using the `EasyLoader_M5StickC_FactoryTest.exe`
I'm getting the following error on the M5StickC.
Few weeks ago I saw a great example that could wake up a M5StickC from deep sleep when motion was detected. You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5GpsvjFsEw
first code …
fedora 34, $HOME is /home/user,
esp idf 4.2 release is /home/user/esp/esp-idf
Core2forAWS-MicroPython is /home/user/esp/Core2forAWS-MicroPython
a) first make / make after clean
**Build environment:** Windows
**Target device:** new m5-Stick C
Getting display smudging on the new hardware. Works ok on the older hardware. Photo to follow
**Steps to Reprod…
IMU sensor module in M5StickC is changed SH200Q to MPU6886.
I will create PR.
please add our library into your library manager.
Link to the repository:
And to library.properties file:
I use [ESP-IDF4.0](https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/tree/release/v4.0) + [arduino-esp32-4.0](https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32/tree/idf-release/v4.0) as component (and this pair works ver…
Hi there,
I have been trying to debug getAhrsData(&pitch,&roll,&yaw) without success.
With the M5StickC on the table without movement the values I get for yaw keeps growing in circles.
I did tak…
It would be great to just have one selected color (either via the HTTP interface or variable in code) rather than the rainbow.