## *Repository Creation Request*
Use this to get your experiment repository created or updated on GitHub under Virtual Labs organization.
1. #### Coordinating Institute: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeeth…
_(NOTE: authors have waived the blinded option for their names)_
# Social Media Analytics: Twitter Users Responses to Financial Events
Maybe use a machine learning algorithm and
* train the model with existing transactions and postings
* use a input
* transaction year, month, day
* transaction title
* posting absolute valu…
I wrote a singleton class for my NaiveBayes. I created the model this way:
//dt is a DataTable with initial information from data base
codebook = new Codification(dt, "Aroma", "Culoare",…
- [x] Use GridSearch or RandomizedGridSearch to predict mod_deleted column
- [x] Choose a estimator
- [x] [Ridge](https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.linear_model.RidgeCl…
Is there any interest to implement some supervised discretization algorithms? I would imagine that it might work better than quantile on kmeans discretization in `KBinsDiscretizer`, particularly on so…
I'm trying to build my own classifier based POS tagger using `SklearnClassifier` and `ClassifierBasedPOSTagger`. The code that I've tried is given below.
from nltk.corpus import treebank
Would you please describe this project?
Color region:
A single pixel is not enough to determine if a pixel has skin color or not.
False positives:
Also is possible that a certain color is a pixel in an image but is not an image in ano…