I've started a new project from scratch with a similar setup using the ["React Native" recipe](https://nx.dev/recipes/react/react-native):
npx create-nx-workspace nx-react-native --pr…
Investigate linking crack extensions statically during native binary creation.
Native binaries are essentially static anyway, since all crack code is
generated "statically" (no crack libs, yet).…
I'm very surprised this barrel files problem is being fixed only now, but rather later than never... However, I encounter multiple issues. Seeing you're active on the issues here and fix the bugs…
## Feature Description
AIR should support native extensions developed using Kotlin for Android platform.
Nowadays many Android third-party libraries supports only Kotlin, not Java. Moreover it has m…
## What went wrong?
**Received a build error when running gem install backup -v 4.4.1 --verbose **
user@domain:/home/app# gem install backup -v 4.4.1 --verbose
HEAD https://api.rubygems.org/api…
I saw in a couple of spots that `super_native_extensions` is made for dynamic linking, but unfortunately constraints on our projects are such that we need to do static linkage.
I followed th…
To protect native Python extensions against tampering by other libraries, we isolate them into their own memory domains at import time.
Add hooks for allocating the memory domains at import time, …
I have this IFC file produced by IfcOpenShell 0.8.0 that I cannot load into Blender 4.2.2 LTS with Bonsai 0.8.0 installed on Ubuntu 22.04.5
I was wondering how this approach of extending the `react-native` type definitions would scale to accomodate also other stuff. For eg. over at the `react-native-web` repo there's an ongoing similar di…
Check if using [`pyo3`](https://pyo3.rs/) library could help us creating a native Python module in Rust.
If this is possible, this would be nice to also publish this crate on pypi.