Would you be open to making the creation of this autocommand optional? As it also triggers on other terminal buffers that are not intended as a repl, like e.g. the terminal buffers created by neotest …
In the page , there's multiple code blocks. These don't appear to be rendered properly. They come up as a single line of bold text. For example, one has the HTML:
Is there support or documentation available for debugging with nvim DAP?
related; https://github.com/nvim-neotest/neotest-jest/issues/31
When using Lazyvim with Neotest, I'm encountering a problem where Neotest incorrectly shows tests as failed even though they pass, particularly when the Jest config is not in the root directory.
For now, the plugin assumes that the location of the binary is `./lib/bashunit`. But it is posible to have the binary avaliable in `$PATH` or other user-defined location.
It would be better let the…
I am using Lazy to load plugins into NVIM and I am getting no feedback when running
`lua require("neotest").run.run()`
Here is my NVIM config for testing. I had previously installed vi…
I was using the test runner and its throwing me the **error icon** even when it shouldnt. So I have to check the logs to know if the test are okay or not.
Mocha Version: ^7.2.0
The test …
**NeoVim Version**
Output of `nvim --version`
NVIM v0.8.2
Build type: Release
LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
Compiled by runner@fv-az190-151
Features: +acl +iconv +tui
See ":help feature-compile"
Hello! I'm super excited about this plugin. I'm running into a `No tests found` error when trying to run both `lua require("neotest").run.run()` and `lua require("neotest").run.run(vim.fn.expand("%"))…