2017-03-31 21:39:54,293 DEBUG [TimerExecutorThread-8]:strat.mining.stratum.proxy.manager.HashrateRecorder - Delete old pools hashrate records.
2017-03-31 21:39:54,371 DEBUG [TimerExecutorThread…
Using the latest git version of nheqminer and make instructions I am getting this error when starting the script
fg2 nheqminer_cpu # ./nheqminer_cpu -l equihash.usa.nicehash.com:3357 -u 12CwMEnYkKk…
Per the recent newletter email from Nicehash, these mining locations are disabled at the end of June. We are told to switch all stratum URLs to "Auto"
D:\tools\Windows_x64_nheqminer-5c>nheqminer.exe -ci
==================== www.nicehash.com ====================
Equihash CPU&GPU Miner for NiceHash v0.5c
Thanks to …
i tried to start parallel CPU & GPU mining with NiceHash software, but it always wanted to use my GPU for mining even if it was disabled in hardware overview (at least i think, that the small gra…
with 2.14.0 on Linux I can't propper proxy **cn/r**. Please note that this setup worked for xmr_v7, xmr_v8, xmr_heavy, xmr_heaven. But not now for "r" variant.
When miners with no login and…
xsoft updated
5 years ago
On RTX 3090 driver, Win 10 (32 Gb RAM):
`Remove Algo reason: CUDA error 'out of memory' in func 'cuda_neoscrypt::init' line 340`
=========================== www.niceh…
BzMiner will not mine Ironfish on NiceHash.
Output shows:
---------------------------------------------- devices ----------------------------------------------
| # | name …
IV. Real world scenario |
-- | --
| -----------------------
| NiceHash server sends following job to miner:
| {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"job","params":{"blob":
| "0100f2fb…
I haven't seen this before on any other pool. Maybe we should consider handling this unsolicited extranonce change?
I (9556) stratum_task: Get IP for URL: sha256asicboost.auto.nicehash.com
I …
skot updated
5 months ago