### Hardware:
Board: lolin32
Core Installation 1.0.4 (PlatformIO calls it 1.12.0 , I assume it is 1.0.4)
IDE name: PlatformIO inside VSCode, running the arduino-esp32 core
Flash Frequency: 40Mhz
it is me again... I finally got one thing working: Use a ESP32 to connect it to a WiFi OBD adapter:
elapsedMillis printTime = 1000;
**Describe the bug**
Using the wifi sketch in the example, I've attempted to connect an esp8266 (which I also read about in the closed issues). The ESP connects fine and the connect to server proceed…
Please check as I made a very simple script to get RPM and Speed
` import obd
import time
from obd import OBDStatus
conn=obd.OBD(fast=False,check_voltage=False) //made check voltage false a…
How can i set the pin number for the ELM 327 over bluetooth with the ESP32 (1234)?
I used the following to connect to my ELM327, to this Point ist al working good but the readout is ERROR: 7 and it wont be displaying my rpm.
I also check my ELM327 with torque app and it all Works f…
I have a successful connection to my OBD dongle, but could not get a response on my 'AT Z' command using a terminal program. I use ESP8266_WiFi.ino.
Connected to Wifi
IP address:
I want to read PIDs over my ESP8266 WiFi Modul.
How can i implement your ELM Duino to read Pids over the wifi connection ?
When i enter 010C in my serial monitor iam get the right answer from the EL…
How the variables are defines in a DBC file
BA_DEF_ "ProtocolType" STRING ;
BA_DEF_DEF_ "ProtocolType" "GMLAN";
BA_ "ProtocolType" "GMLAN";
### Hardware:
Board: ESP32 Dev Module WROOM-32
Core Installation version: 1.0.0
IDE name: Arduino IDE
Flash Frequency: 80Mhz
PSRAM enabled: yes…