Hello, i'd like to know if this has already been released? I'm currently working with a small team and having the API extract data in an Excel file hasn't been very helpful, it would be great if Googl…
In case this is what someone is tracking or working from
is it possilble loading prices from TME.eu shop?
Thank you.
stm32 208 meets x16 SDRAM
I just realized that the Demo Version (and like it, probably the installation) has some footprints I didn't create so far. It would be very neat if you could import them somehow.
First, let me tell you that I am a big fan of part-db.
Until a few years ago I still used partkeepr, but this application can now be buried with. Meanwhile, I experimented with some other apps, but i…
Provide a means for exporting and importing of parts lists.
1) allow for a plugin architecture to enable easy integration with other Kicad tools
2) This could form the basis of moving parts from 1 c…
In this workflow normal database tables are used as source device rather than Kicad symbols. Then also users who use database libs (like Altium etc) can use this tool.
A load cell should be added in order to allow for direct measurements of the rocket's thrust.
This requires collaboration between different subsystems:
- [x] Select a load cell suitable for the flig…
I was checking out alternatives to the ram chip, because I would rather buy it from a trusted supplier than ALI Express (no trusted suppliers seem to carry the suggested memories).
According to the…