What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. put something dangerous/illegal into source code
system("rm -rf /")
search for standard output file under home directory
attach and debug lemon
modify ot…
# 写在前面
1. CCF不是政府机构,也就是说他们并不是广大OI…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. put something dangerous/illegal into source code
system("rm -rf /")
search for standard output file under home directory
attach and debug lemon
modify ot…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. put something dangerous/illegal into source code
system("rm -rf /")
search for standard output file under home directory
attach and debug lemon
modify ot…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. put something dangerous/illegal into source code
system("rm -rf /")
search for standard output file under home directory
attach and debug lemon
modify ot…
# clj
- [【直播】我的OI生涯。。。](http://tieba.baidu.com/p/961046432)
> 首先狂刷OJ追求刷题数量我觉得是很不可取的...
> 有些题目根本没什么意思还是为了题目数去刷显然是浪费时间(LZ自己怒中一枪)...
> 做题目说白了也就两个用处,锻炼算法能力后者锻炼代码能力,在实际比赛中,对于中等水平的人来说,反而是后者比较重要..
> 要如何锻炼代码…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. put something dangerous/illegal into source code
system("rm -rf /")
search for standard output file under home directory
attach and debug lemon
modify ot…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. put something dangerous/illegal into source code
system("rm -rf /")
search for standard output file under home directory
attach and debug lemon
modify ot…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. put something dangerous/illegal into source code
system("rm -rf /")
search for standard output file under home directory
attach and debug lemon
modify ot…
I'm an OIer ([@CodeZhangBorui](https://www.luogu.com.cn/user/303961)), I like your project, I want to know if here will have updates?