https://duckdb.org/2024/11/14/optimizers.html#filter-pull-up--filter-pushdown has a nice description of filter pull up, an optimization in DuckDB that I'd like to implement in dask-expr as a learning …
I noticed that in the build scripts Link-Time Optimization (LTO) for the project is not enabled. I suggest switching it on since it will reduce the binary size (always a good thing to have) and…
# Class: All
## Method: `optimize`
In this method, various classes and methods are executed to orchestrate the optimization process of the training matrix.
### Overview
The optimization pr…
**Describe the bug**
Yolov4 post-processing TTNN implementation is taking significant time (~7ms) compared to the whole model on TTNN
The non-32 based tensor shapes (i.e. [1,1600] or [1,400] is the ro…
For my scene, I have 4K images and the initial pointcloud with a resolution of 540p. After per-scene optimization, I can get a good result. However, when I render new views, the resolution is always 4…
I've noticed `pyserde` contributes a fair share to my CLI app import time flamegraph (I'm using `pyserde` for app configuration so it has to be imported at top level).
Here is the breakdown for `p…
I noticed that in the `Cargo.toml` file Link-Time Optimization (LTO) for the project is not enabled. I suggest switching it on since it will reduce the binary size (always a good thing to have)…
The unnest function supported by PostgreSQL is the reason the query for user flags is heavy.
select distinct unnest(user_flags)
from message_mailbox
where mailbox_id = cast($1 as uuid)
### Description
I've been playing Dota again for about a week and finding a queue after midnight is almost impossible, even at weekends. In fact, I don't think I've been able to play for 2 days becau…