According to immuniweb.com, jQueryUI 1.12.1 is being used by the latest version of Open Source Social Network. This version of jQueryUI has a critical remote code execution vulnerability.
Are th…
Recently I realize that when User A removes the message to all, the message is still in User B's window until their page reloads. Maybe it's interesting to put a function to check from time to time ea…
Fancybox works for the first 10 posts, but after AutoPagination images no longer open in fancybox.
[E] input/dropdown allow option values to set class, id etc
Where does OssnComponents::bundledComponents() used? I don't remember any use of this method
Error: Call to undefined function ossn_location_load_jscss() in /var/www/ossn/components/OssnWall/ossn_com.php:594
all older posts which contain special characters like emojis, umlauts, etc. are no longer displayed correctly but appear as utf-8 code
When user try to send a video file in post, without any text, ossn allow a blank post. I've tried in my test site and ossn demo with same results.