### Bug description
We get this error regularly (like every 15 mins) on only one of our sites. It is always the same missing data but always a different request url.
Happy to pay to figure out w…
After bootstrap & app.php configuration, i tried below code
$mongoAdapter = ConnectionManager::get('mongo_db');
$mongodb = $mongoAdapter->connect();
It says Exception: Class 'MongoClient' not …
After following the installation steps. i am unable to open http://mywebsite.com/uf/oauth/facebook/login
URL is replaced with
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local" not found in /nfephp-org/sped-nfse-ginfes/src/Common/Soap/SoapBase.php:253
Se adicionar a league/flysystem em seu projeto vo…
Hi! I'm wondering about using the web portal on a second league with the same hosting. I'm using 2 differents DBs, 2 differents folders for files but the issue is when I log to second league, I' stayi…
Do you have any Ideas, why i get this error?
> pre-autoload-dump: Vaimo\ComposerPatches\Plugin->postInstall
Processing patches configuration
- Removing league/fractal (0.19.2)
## Describe the bug
I installed alpha 12 in a subfolder under my XAMPP, the installation goes ok, but when I want to login, I get a Guzzle error:
This is a request to add the Online Payment vendor Mollie. This is a very popular European payment vendor. The documentation for doing so can be found here: https://docs.mollie.com/
By adding this …
After the user gets authenticated and the necessary information is gathered from AAD, I get the following error;
> Uncaught exception 'League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\Exception\IdentityProviderExcept…
When trying to refresh a token using the smart-on-fhir/client-js library, I get the following error:
[Wed Jan 24 14:59:10.591523 2024] [php:notice] [pid 4899] [client] [2024…