I'm getting an error when attempting to use nested async functions wrapped with the @db_session decorator. Here is my simplified code:
async def check_username(…
Right now, code like this seems to be common place as well in the test cases of pony, as in most pony projects:
db = Database('sqlite', ':memory:')
class Person(db.Entity):
``` python
class Item(db.Entity):
id = PrimaryKey(int,auto=True)
_goods = Set("Goods")
class Good(db.Entity):
id = PrimaryKey(int,auto = True)
name = Option(str)
I want to do multip…
it raises:
NotImplementedError: Expression is too complex to decompile, try to pass query as string, e.g. select("x for x in Something")
First, I thought that Pony will emit `BETWEEN` operator. But i…
The schema representation is just elegant, better than this it could not be.
What about making the query in the same elegant way? Take a look at what [Ponyorm](https://docs.ponyorm.org/queries.htm…
To allow odd requirements, or using special SQL syntax that is not yet supported (or may never be) by Tortoise ORM we should provide a simple, clean, custom SQL interface.
### How do we identify th…
grigi updated
3 years ago
I couldn't find in the documentation what is the size of the integers when using IntArray data type. How could I tell pony to use size=64 (bigint) ?
Using postgresql.
I think option to use Firebase as storing/sync would make data exchange between computer and mobile version easier.
senpl updated
5 years ago
It seems like it exceeds the connection limit and dies. There should be a configurable limit to the number of connections it's allowed to create, and it should close them as soon as they're not needed…
wiz78 updated
4 years ago
Może jakiś ORM zamiast zahardkodzonych SQLek w jednej klasie?
https://ponyorm.com wygląda bardzo ładnie. Chyba baza danych SQLite potrafi się zbudować w locie na podstawie klas modelu - można pominąć…