add psr-1, psr-2 and psr-4 support
I strongly recommend implementing PSR standards on file structure and naming.
Po aktualizacji do najnowszej wersji modułu przy próbie zapłacenia pokazuje się biała strona z komunikatem:
Fatal error: Declaration of GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request::getRequestTarget() must be compatibl…
Switch to the PSR-4 Autoloading Standard
ximex updated
4 years ago
I encountered a compatibility issue in php-scoper, which for version 0.8.14 requires newer version of fidry/console. However, due to some other packages, I am limited to `psr/log` v1, which now b…
This package requires `cache/array-adapter` -> latests version 1.2 of it supports psr/cache `1 || 2`.
This packages allows `psr/cache` cache `1 || 2 || 3` but for the reason above it will never be in…
Typed property TomatoPHP\FilamentBookmarksMenu\Filament\Pages\Bookmarks::$bookmark must not be accessed before initialization
I'm facing an issue after installing the "FilamentBookmark…
Thank you for this package.
I see that this package depends upon guzzlehttp/guzzle, while it is a very good package it adds one more dependency to the projects using this package. Can this dep…
:information_source: View this commit [on Github](https://github.com/TYPO3/typo3/commit/a255e74e961de0ddbf9dc5c3f06d6d8145d7bdf5)
:busts_in_silhouette: Authored by Oliver Bartsch bo@cedev.de