Pyvista has a `DynamicScraper` class that is callable when instantiated as an object. This was easy to accommodate in prior versions of `sphinx-gallery` and `sphinx`, e.g.
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## 🐛 Bug Report
Enabling anti-aliasing type `ssaa` results in no labels being rendered for the meridians and parallels of a graticule e.g.,
### Disabled
import geovista
import geo…
- [x] Obtain marching cubes library
- [x] Test it on binary data
- [ ] #11
- [ ] Need to add normal vectors at edges and vertices
The PFSS extension offers a 3d plot including the Sun, like the following (e.g., run PFSS analysis in [streamlit beta version](https://solar-mach-pfss.streamlit.app/)):
Installing this package using pip fails due to a dependency conflict between pyvista and vtk.
Full log below:
Installing pyiges...
Error: An error occurred while installing pyiges!
_**Update 11/25/2024: VTK 9.4 has been released and we are aware of the incompatibilities. Any help resolving these would be appreciated. We had some prelimary support released on v0.44 so please upda…
### 需求描述 Feature Description
在AI studio 构建AI原生应用,需要pyvista库的支持,用于3D可视化科学场景的交互
Transparency in the `ImguiPlotter` shows up different than in `Plotter` from pyvista
from pyvista_imgui import ImguiPlotter
import pyvista as pv
pl = ImguiPlotter()
sphere = pv.Sphere…
This project looks really promising! Next time I'm working on a project with GPR data, I'm going to have to use this!
I saw that this project reads data from the DZT format - correct me if I'm wron…