在使用的过程中,需要配置七牛的上传路径前缀,文档中关于七牛的配置项中缺少该项的配置。通过查询 PICGO 的代码,发现该参数为:path。
文档中没有关于 options 的介绍,通过查询该项为网址后缀,希望能在文档中补上,便于使用;
"qiniu": {
"accessKey": "******",
只要数据没表,就卡在不能创建 comment表和user表。
W/OpenGLRenderer: Bitmap too large to be uploaded into a texture (6000x4000, max=4096x4096)
* [x] get mock up from designer @Danny002
* [x] get users mockup feedback
* [x] update calendar in booking to show mockup
* [booking report achieve](https://github.com/weflex/booking-web/pull/85…
{"code":22001,"msg":"SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'memo' at row 1\nThe SQL being executed was: INSERT INTO `record` (`user_id`, `task_id`, `status`, `ac…
meolu updated
7 years ago
Laravel 5.5
composer.json "qiniu/php-sdk": "^7.2",
$param = BucketManager::buildBatchMove(DEV_BUCKET, $key_pairs, PRODUCT_BUCKET, true);
$auth = new Auth(ACCESS_KEY, SECRET_KEY);
> 之前配置 ueditor 成功了,上传图片什么都可以使用。今天上传图片 发现代码报错
FatalErrorException in Uploading.php line 24:
Trait 'Illuminate\Foundation\Events\Dispatchable' not found
提示 缺少文件 Dispatchable ,搜索项目发现没…
The resource url is "http://ws.acgvideo.com/1/95/15676778-1.flv?wsTime=1490877996&platform=pc&wsSecret2=1311f8eeb77a279dc97ead59873dc032&oi=2067474736&rate=1350", developer might try to download this …
video.js version 5.4.4
videojs.hls.min.js version 1.3.1
videojs.css version 4.12.15
LIVE stream
All browsers
Occurs direct from our origin as well as from our CDN's edge
Desktop only. Android does no…