If reporting a bug:
1. __Can you describe the problem and bug in more detail?__
YouTube annotations contain a timestamp that functions as a link. Using Memex's Readwise integration one can sync Yo…
# 准备放弃用微信读书读英文书 | 阅千帆
尽管微信读书可以自动同步读书笔记和阅读记录到Notion,但其英文书籍的阅读体验不佳,主要问题在于排版无法自定义,不适合英文文本。微信读书的英文书籍强制左右对齐,无法更改设置,这与作者习惯的左对齐的英文排版不符。因此,作者计划尝试使用ReadWise R
First of all this project is great. Been following and just got it running over the weekend.
Are there any plans for an email forward link into Hoarder? It's one of the features I'd miss most from …
Hi, is there any possible to set a sync location on obsidian vault and add more metadata like #highlights and source info(kindle, pocket, etc.), so dataview can work better with.
It would be awesom…
I recently integrated this plugin so that I need not subscribe to Readwise. I have never used Readwise and was looking for an alternative to integrate my kindle notes on my Obsidian.
After I downlo…
I've just started using Readwise and encountered a very frustrating issue.
I generate a summary with three main questions and answers through custom prompts, like this:
When I update metadata in readwise it does not sync to obsidian.
After installing version 1.0.2, forllowing the resolution of the issue #40 , I was able to fully access my Kobo and configure october with the readwise token.
When I tried to upload the highlights …
The tags line in logseq for **books** is missing, even I've tagged them in Readwise.
My export looks something like this:
The import fails because the '@' character is no…