icrot_hipporag.py include a recall program.
I have question in evaluation process about below source code.
below code shows a title-level recall evaluation. (means if sp is in some title == answer…
For the first run, the Evaluation in step 200,400,800:
{'eval_loss': 0.6967583894729614, 'eval_accuracy': 0.5025337837837838, 'eval_f1': 0.3344575604272063, 'eval_matthews_correlation': 0.0, 'eval…
I want it to default to the same visibility level when replying (but being able to over ride it with -v). I seem to recall it worked like that up to very recently.
I have a problem in recall.
I trained my own dataset and get the model like this.
I don't know why others is 0KB, but I test yolov3-voc_38500.weights and get a great results.
So I wanna check the…
Is it normal? What is RPs/img? Why does IOU increse with number of images?
Loading weights from backup/yolo-obj_2000.weights...Done!
Learning Rate: 0.001, Momentum: 0.9, Decay: 0.0005
0 0 …
I am training an XNOR version of tiny-yolov2 with 7th and 8th layer in XNOR. I found out some lines commented out
133-136 from the convolutional_kernels.cu file.
### Discussed in https://github.com/orgs/ultralytics/discussions/17269
Originally posted by **ksv87** October 30, 2024
Why is AP considered this way? The P-R curve calculation doesn't look rig…
is there an easy way to create the precision-recall curve after training?
From https://github.com/phetsims/perennial/issues/404#issuecomment-2504523413
> Using more specific terms for each item frees us up to rename the `grunt pre-commit` to something more like `grunt ch…
Some time ago I recall we agreed that we needed a landing page for Vocabs/RMG and during my presentation last week I missed it again. Just to start the conversation.