We should:
- Switch to using Rollup as the bundler
- Output both a CommonJS bundle and an ESM bundle for each package
This will the library more tree-shakeable and more compatible with `esbuild`-…
Hey guys,
I just upgraded to this plugin from rollup-plugin-typescript2 as I swtiched to typescript3. But now I am getting this error:
[!] Error: The keyword 'interface' is reserved
The Web Worker is failing to load external dependencies.
The web worker works fine for standalone functions that are written inside the Worker.ts file but when I moved actual code that had externa…
First of all, thanks for this package! I've been thoroughly using it as a guide while…
- Rollup Version: 2.50.5
- Operating System (or Browser): macOS Catalina
- Node Version (if applicable): 12.20.0
- Link to reproduction (IMPORTANT, read below):
### Expected Behavior
#### What happens and why it is wrong
Without `clean: true` option, the plugin is catching the configuration even if changes at rollup config level are done (changing the implementation of a transfor…
#### What happens and why it is wrong
Possibly this is a misconfiguration on my end, but it looks like a bug. When you use an `object` as the `input` property for the rollup configuration, the typi…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Repository problems
These pr…
# 发布你专属的 UI Library ( with Rollup)
- [从零开始教你使用 storybook + rollup 搭建一个属于自己的 React UI 组件库](https://juejin.cn/post/7058856994135867400#heading-8)
- [Rollup](https://rollupjs.org/)
## 步骤 …