Hi. I was looking for the checkpoint files. I found the links in your previous issue.
While I was able to download the Unet model checkpoint for saliency, the segmentation model checkpoint is no long…
The size of my input image is 49*41*40, and I can get the saliency output of my CNN model.
But the attention map size is 49*41, not the original 3-dimension size.
I want to know how can I get the 3D…
It's an issue about the paper, maybe not appropriate here. But I can't get contact with the paper's author, so maybe some useful discussion here.
In the paper, three data-set used: alpha-matting, com…
Hi @xinggangw @Unrealluver @ifzhang @LegendBC ,
Thanks for the release of the great work. But, I was trying to understand how I can actually interpret the model such that the results will be more exp…
Hello, your read Me website about pre-training models is not
The wrong one? I followed your published website, but it's a compressed package of data sets
can't run the codes with "python train.py"
the reason is you define your model as MRNet()
`model = MRNet()` in line 25, train.py.
Guess you upload the wrong version.
I'm so excited that you released your training code and it's very helpful for me. Thank you for sharing.
I have a question about your pretrained deeplabv3 model which you called **deeplab_da…
Thanks for sharing the code.
I tried to Generate saliency map used by Group-CAD, but couldn't.
python3 demo.py --arch=vgg19 --target_layer=features.35 --input=Images/ILSVRC2012_val_0…
Would you like to provide your saliency maps? Thanks
Thanks for your great work!
I want to visualize the grad-CAM figure for my 3D data image. However, I met some problem at this line:
` grads = visualize_cam(model, layer_idx, filter_indices=20…